11 May - 22 June 2024

ARDEN + WHITE is pleased to announce the debut solo exhibition of London-based painter Murray Clarke in the US and at our gallery. Entitled THIS, the exhibition presents Clarke's recent paintings, which continue his exploration of mass-produced imagery echoing the pervasive visuals of advertising. Delving into the conflicting emotions stirred by the commercialization and widespread consumption of fabric and clothing, Clarke prompts viewers to reflect on the intricate dynamics of our relationship with consumer culture, its allure, and its societal impacts.


Rooted in meticulous attention to detail and a commitment to portraying the observable world, Clarke's deliberate compositions craft lifelike depictions that mirror reality.  Through the replication of images, Clarke's work challenges the traditional notion of painting as a singular, unique creation, illustrating how each rendition of the image gradually drifts from its original figurative essence.


THIS showcases eight recent oil paintings that immediately captivate the viewer with their immense presence—a soft fabric, a subtle gesture, a hand in the pocket—each offering a moment of serenity while also inviting deeper contemplation on how consumerism influences our identities and values.  Though personal, the paintings divulge greater insights about the audience than the artist.  It is through the audience's attitudes and emotions that the complex interplay between sincerity and irony is illuminated.